Dec 30, 2009

Scientology Social Betterment Programs

Update of the Church of Scientology about the reach of the Church's social programs:

• Through the anti-drug and drug abuse education programs we sponsor, every 15 seconds someone pledges to be drug free.

• Through the human rights education programs we support, every second of every day, 26 people learn about their human rights.

• And across all of our sponsored programs, every 25 seconds someone volunteers in their community.

Because our programs are non-discriminatory, 60% of those active in them are from faiths other than Scientology. Working with thousands of schools, churches, governments, businesses, law enforcement agencies and others in 150 countries, last year individuals working through Scientology sponsored programs volunteered more than 4.8 million hours to their communities — tutoring kids, rehabilitating inmates, delivering drug education lectures, promoting human rights and more.

As a result, the Church can proudly say it sponsors the single largest drug education initiative on earth, with fully developed educational materials including 16 award-winning public service announcements and an hour and half documentary educating kids about the dangers of drugs, as well as the world's largest non-governmental residential drug rehabilitation network. We also sponsor the single most proactive human rights group on Earth which also includes freely provided educational materials with 30 public service announcements educating kids and adults alike on the subject of human rights.

These are just a few of the programs we are proud to support and make Scientology one of the most active and contributive social betterment forces on earth:

• 17,700,000 received drug education lectures;

• 3,400,000 people took a Drug Free Pledge;

• 32,000 criminals and juveniles rehabilitated, 80% have never returned to jail;

• 183,111 signatures collected in support of human rights;

• 2,750,000 reached weekly with human rights message;

• and in the last year 1.1 million tutoring hours volunteered with 36,000 students receiving one-on-one tutoring resulting in 45% academic improvements in tests.

While the above is just a sampling, all told over a half billion people have been reached by these programs.